The Lying Game is an American teen drama mystery-thriller television series created by Charles Pratt, Jr. Based on the popular series of novels written by Sara Shepard, the show premiered on August 15, 2011 on ABC Family. The series follows the lives of twins sisters Emma Becker (Alexandra Chando) and Sutton Mercer (Alexandra Chando). The girls were separated at birth, with Sutton being adopted by wealthy parents and seemingly living an ideal life. and Emma grew up in the foster care system. At the first time they met Sutton talks to Emma into stepping into her life for a few days while she pursues information about their birth mother in Los Angeles. Initially excited to do this favor for her sister, Emma soon learns that Sutton has many hidden secrets. Now Emma must continue to cover for her twin as Sutton continues her search for their birth mother and stop her developing feelings to Emma's then boyfriend Ethan Whitehorse (Blair Redford). After finding clues about their missing birth mother, Sutton came back to claim her old life from Emma and also to destroy the blossoming relationship between Emma and Ethan.
After an initial order of 10 episodes, on September 15, 2011, ABC Family ordered an additional 10 episodes for season one. These episodes began airing on January 2 and ended on March 5, 2012. On April 24, 2012, ABC Family renewed the series for a second season and will premiere by Winter 2013 of 10 episodes.
As of March 13, 2013, 30 episodes of The Lying Game have aired, concluding the first season.
Season Guide[]
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Image | Season | Original Airdate | |||
Season 1 | August 15, 2011 - March 5, 2012 | ||||
Identical twins Emma Becker and Sutton Mercer were separated at birth and led very different lives, each oblivious to the other's existence until circumstances bring them back together. Yearning for the family she never had, kind-hearted foster kid Emma agrees to step into Sutton's privileged shoes while she searches for their birth parents, setting in motion a web of secrecy and lies. Now that Sutton wanted her life back, will Emma come clean with the switching even though the lies and secrets are more twisted that she thought? | |||||
Season 2 | January 8th, 2013 - March 12th, 2013 | ||||
As the twins' saga continues in season two, there are more surprises, secrets and lies. The twins recently revealed birth mother Rebecca (Charisma Carpenter) lures Sutton (Alexandra Chando) into her plans for the Mercer family. Emma (Chando) grows closer to Thayer, while still being drawn to Ethan, who has started to reconnect with Sutton. Kristin feels betrayed after Ted came clean about his long ago affair with Rebecca, but Ted might be hiding even more shocking revelations. And Mads connects with a mysterious new guy in town who brings a whole new level of secrets with him. | |||||
? | Season 3 | this is to be identified | |||
As the twins' saga continues in season two, there are more surprises, secrets and lies. The twins recently revealed birth mother Rebecca (Charisma Carpenter) lures Sutton (Alexandra Chando) into her plans for the Mercer family. Emma (Chando) grows closer to Thayer, while still being drawn to Ethan, who has started to reconnect with Sutton. Kristin feels betrayed after Ted came clean about his long ago affair with Rebecca, but Ted might be hiding even more shocking revelations. And Mads connects with a mysterious new guy in town who brings a whole new level of secrets with him. |